GRABO Pro este noua unealtă indispensabilă pentru toate meseriile. Cu un afișaj inteligent al presiunii digitale, amplasat convenabil pe mâner, care afișează atât presiunea (PSI, Bar), cât și greutatea (kg, lb), această unealtă elimină bătaia de cap în toate lucrările de ridicare. GRABO Pro vine cu un senzor de presiune încorporat care oprește și pornește automat pompa de vid pentru a menține constant zona de ridicare în siguranță pentru materialele dvs. GRABO Pro pompa de vid mută 20 litri de aer pe minut, având o capacitate uriașă de ridicare și este capabil să ridice aproape orice suprafață cu o greutate de până la 375 de lire sterline (120 kg). Garnitura de spumă din cauciuc patentată care vine cu unealta GRABO Pro este puternică, rezistentă la intemperii, dar ușor de înlocuit dacă este deteriorată.
GRABO Pro vine cu o garanție completă de fabrică de 12 luni, care poate fi prelungită la 18 luni prin înregistrarea produsului pe site-ul nostru web. Cu suport tehnic profesional bazat în SUA, dacă întâmpinați probleme, nu ezitați să ne spuneți. Suntem aici să vă menținem productiv!
Foreverbuilding –
This is the real deal! It can lift, hold & place uneven surfaced slate tiles, I’m impressed!! You’ll blow out your back before this baby fails. And what’s included: 1 unit, 2 batteries (so 1 can recharge), 2 gaskets, 1 110v charger, 1 hardcase.
Review source: Amazon
Harrison –
Bought as a one off purchase after seeing the reviews, Good price works well and was actually impressed at the quality
Review Source:
ZenAtWork –
The only things I've been unable to grip with mine are objects in which either:
A. ...the surface is SO covered with particulate matter (e.g. covered in sand, dust, powder/flour, etc.) that the device is unable to form a seal, or...
B. ...something whose surface is not only irregular, but is also too porous to draw a vacuum against (roll of carpet, pile of pumice stone, a screen door, etc.), or...
C. ...something whose surface isn't capable of supporting itself under any circumstances anyway (a pool of water, a pile of gravel, etc.)
...and you know what? That's all TOTALLY FAIR.
One doesn't pick up one of mankind's most effective electromagnets and then grouse about it ""not working on non-metallic items"", or one of the world's most-powerful acids, only to whine about it being ""unable to dissolve glass,"" either (or, at least, not without getting promptly lumped into the category of ""humans I hate on principle"").
I CAN lift plywood, drywall/sheetrock/gypsum board/hardiback, tile, granite, marble, glass, metal of any sort, appliances, floor tools, cabinets, furniture... and gods only know what else I've yet to discover and/or simply haven't thought to experiment with yet! Yanno the old saw about ""it's not heavy, it's just awkward!""? It's genuinely shocking how true that actually is. We were able to move a California King mattress wrapped in plastic with NO problems. It was EASY with something to actually get a positive grip on.
Hell: I was able to stick ONE of them to a finished ceiling, HANG PULLEYS from its integrated mounting brackets, and use IT, in turn, to HOIST A 90lb dust collector EIGHT FEET UP A WALL, then REST IT ATOP A SECOND ONE stuck to a bloody FINISHED INTERIOR WALL, tie off the rope, and leave it there - supported only by their respective suctions - until I had time to climb a ladder and lag bolt it in - OVERHEAD, AND BY MYSELF.
Izzy Swan - genius inventor and all-around roaring badass - has done some really, REALLY cool brainstorming videos surrounding the use of them, too (I'm not affiliated in any way, just trés impressed):
So has Andrew Klein (equally-genius, equally-badass-of-the-roaring-variety):
Yes: they're expensive. But, I assure you: you'll be stunned how many applications around the shop you're likely to find.
One person found this helpful
Review source: Amazon
Sarah W. –
I love this product! As a DIY enthusiast, I was skeptical about spending the money, but it was worth it. The Slenderseal makes lifting and moving heavy materials so much easier.