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GRABO PRO (2023 version)

(9 opinii klienta)

Przenośny elektryczny podnośnik próżniowy w zestawie z cyfrowym manometrem umieszczonym na uchwycie, umożliwiającym łatwe odczytywanie wartości ciśnienia. Automatyczne czujniki ciśnienia zapewniają stałą próżnię. W zestawie znajduje się ładowany akumulator, który zasila podnośnik próżniowy o udźwigu 375 funtów (170 kg).

Zestaw zawiera:

  • Przenośny elektryczny podnośnik próżniowy GRABO Pro z cyfrowym manometrem
  • Automatyczne czujniki ciśnienia włączają i wyłączają pompę, zapewniając stałą próżnię
  • Wydajność pompowania: 20 litrów na minutę zapewnia ogromną zdolność podnoszenia
  • 1 akumulator i ładowarka z adapterami międzynarodowymi
  • Piankowa uszczelka zamontowana w zestawie
  • Wytrzymała torba nylonowa do przenoszenia
  • Filtry zapasowe
  • Instrukcja obsługi w języku angielskim wraz z kolorowym opakowaniem.


SKU: GP-1Li-FB-1S Kategoria: GTIN: 840082400462
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GRABO Pro to narzędzie z serii GRABO z inteligentnym cyfrowym wyświetlaczem ciśnienia, wygodnie umiejscowionym na uchwycie, z wyświetlaniem ciśnienia (PSI, Bar) oraz wagi (kg, lb). GRABO Pro posiada wbudowany czujnik ciśnienia, który automatycznie włącza i wyłącza pompę próżniową, aby utrzymać stałą pojemność podnoszenia. Pompa próżniowa GRABO Pro przesuwa 20 litrów powietrza na minutę, zapewniając ogromną pojemność podnoszenia i zdolność do podnoszenia prawie każdej powierzchni o wadze do 375 funtów (170 kg). Opatentowane piankowe uszczelnienie gumowe, które znajduje się w zestawie z narzędziem GRABO Pro, jest mocne i odporne na ścieranie, ale łatwe do wymiany w przypadku uszkodzenia. Po włączeniu narzędzia, uszczelnienie jest tworzone w ciągu kilku sekund i mocno przylega do prawie każdej powierzchni, w tym nierównych i lekko porowatych. GRABO Pro jest wyposażone w cztery stalowe uchwyty podnoszące znajdujące się po obu stronach uchwytu narzędzia. Pozwala to na korzystanie z pasków podnoszących i dodatkowych akcesoriów.

GRABO Pro objęty jest pełną, 12-miesięczną gwarancją fabryczną, która może zostać przedłużona do 18 miesięcy po zarejestrowaniu produktu na naszej stronie internetowej. Z profesjonalnym wsparciem technicznym z siedzibą w USA, jeśli masz jakieś problemy, nie wahaj się nam powiedzieć. Jesteśmy tutaj, aby cię wspierać!

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Waga 7 funty

9 opinii dla GRABO PRO (2023 version)

  1. Polski

    G. Myrick

    I have been using it to lift plywood panels, which at age 72 is not easy for me. The GRABO is a tremendous help. I was working with a sheet of 3/8 Doug/fir AC plywood, and it grabbed onto the A side, pulled the vacuum and would then shut off, restarting in about 45 seconds, when it had lost a certain amount of vacuum. After cutting the plywood down to 43×76, I grabbed the C side to carry it out and place it on rafters. The GRABO grabbed on fine but ran continuously. It never slipped. I also intend this for use with a small vacuum bag, and a Festool type board holder for sanding and routing.

    Review source: Amazon

  2. Polski

    Chuck Reavis

    This product REALLY sucks! LOL

    Review source: Amazon

  3. Polski

    Dennis J

    Be patient as you learn to implement these into your normal routines.

    Review source: Amazon

  4. Polski

    Danny Cheston

    Excellent helper

    Review source: Amazon

  5. Polski

    Sandra Masquith

    The Grabo is a work-enabler. It lets you lift heavy things and will help hold large or heavy or awkward objects

    Review source: Amazon

  6. Polski


    The only things I’ve been unable to grip with mine are objects in which either:
    A. …the surface is SO covered with particulate matter (e.g. covered in sand, dust, powder/flour, etc.) that the device is unable to form a seal, or…
    B. …something whose surface is not only irregular, but is also too porous to draw a vacuum against (roll of carpet, pile of pumice stone, a screen door, etc.), or…
    C. …something whose surface isn’t capable of supporting itself under any circumstances anyway (a pool of water, a pile of gravel, etc.)

    …and you know what? That’s all TOTALLY FAIR.

    One doesn’t pick up one of mankind’s most effective electromagnets and then grouse about it “”not working on non-metallic items””, or one of the world’s most-powerful acids, only to whine about it being “”unable to dissolve glass,”” either (or, at least, not without getting promptly lumped into the category of “”humans I hate on principle””).

    I CAN lift plywood, drywall/sheetrock/gypsum board/hardiback, tile, granite, marble, glass, metal of any sort, appliances, floor tools, cabinets, furniture… and gods only know what else I’ve yet to discover and/or simply haven’t thought to experiment with yet! Yanno the old saw about “”it’s not heavy, it’s just awkward!””? It’s genuinely shocking how true that actually is. We were able to move a California King mattress wrapped in plastic with NO problems. It was EASY with something to actually get a positive grip on.

    Hell: I was able to stick ONE of them to a finished ceiling, HANG PULLEYS from its integrated mounting brackets, and use IT, in turn, to HOIST A 90lb dust collector EIGHT FEET UP A WALL, then REST IT ATOP A SECOND ONE stuck to a bloody FINISHED INTERIOR WALL, tie off the rope, and leave it there – supported only by their respective suctions – until I had time to climb a ladder and lag bolt it in – OVERHEAD, AND BY MYSELF.

    Izzy Swan – genius inventor and all-around roaring badass – has done some really, REALLY cool brainstorming videos surrounding the use of them, too (I’m not affiliated in any way, just trés impressed):

    So has Andrew Klein (equally-genius, equally-badass-of-the-roaring-variety):

    Yes: they’re expensive. But, I assure you: you’ll be stunned how many applications around the shop you’re likely to find.
    One person found this helpful

    Review source: Amazon

  7. Polski

    Wallace Palmer

    What a great invention for lifting things. Advancing arthritis makes me appreciate any tool that makes lifting things easier. Get one or two of these if you “need a lift” in your day.

    Review source: Amazon

  8. Polski

    The Cat Man

    I’m revising my previous review and apologize for the 1 star rating. I initially had a difficult time getting it to work properly and was frustrated with it when I wrote the review. I got it to work and I’m pleased! It’s a well made tool and I’m glad I made the purchase. Although, I wish it were a bit lighter and it wasn’t necessary to remove the battery to charge. Perhaps that’s a waterproofing issue. Minor though.

    Review source: Amazon

  9. Polski

    LeGrand Adventure LLC TM

    I tried to show others how great this machine was on brand new flakeboard and plywood, Not So Much; Tried several times and Nope! I tied several areas and gave them plenty of time to draw vacuum…

    Review source: Amazon

  10. Polski

    Sarah Thompson

    Just got the GRABO PRO Lifter 20 for my glass installation business, and it’s a beast! The suction is super strong, making it easy to handle large glass panels without any stress. The battery life is impressive, and the digital display is a nice touch. It’s definitely made my job a lot easier

  11. Polski

    Jake Miller

    I work in stone masonary and this too is fantastic. The suction power is incredible, and it can handle big stone slabs that usually are awkward to grab. The digital pressure gauge is really useful, and the whole thing feels solid and well built. The battery lasts long enough to get through a full day of work, which is a big plus. This tool is a game changer for anyone working with heavy materials

  12. Polski

    Oscar Garcia

    The GRABO PRO Lifter 20 is amazing! I do a lot of tile work and this thing has made my life so much easier. The suction is super strong, and the digital readout helps me keep track of the battery and suction levels. It’s lightweight and easy to carry around, which is perfect for moving between job sites. If you’re in the trades and need a reliable lifting tool, this is the one to get.

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  1. Polski

    Adam Fath

    1. Battery life very long
    2. Easy to use
    3. Works on any flat surface so it has so many other uses
    4. Made by GRABO
    5. Automatically reseals

    Surface has to be smooth, the professional Grabos I think allows a lot more give. Where if there are any ridge lines, it will not sanction. Though this is expected.

    Most people know the brand GRABO, so it was not sure why this device was also called OTTOVAC. Regradless it works great! I used this specifically to install 12×24 tiles and it would have been a PIT if I did not have this. Besides easily holding the tile and placing it on the thin set, it also allows you to “wiggle” the tile around to make sure you have full contact and coverage.

    Review source: Amazon

  2. Polski

    Tyler L

    This thing sucks awesome! Definitely will attach and vacuum suck and seal on to flat smooth surface items like glass windows or body panels!

    Review source: Amazon

  3. Polski


    Let me start by saying, if you can see this being useful, stop right here and just order it! I chose the older analog display model , well cuz I’m cheap… and this works just as well only cheaper!! Hands down best investment ever. So useful , picks up heavy natural slate material no problem , even the ones with natural uneven surfaces, unless it’s way uneven, but for the most part I’m completely blown away with how absolutely useful this thing is !!!

    Review source: Amazon

  4. Polski

    steve cheshire

    ideal for lifting sandstone slabs

    Review source: Amazon

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