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  1. Italiano

    Jake Davis

    These things maade installing my kitchen cabinets so much easier. The plates are super sturdy and easy to use. Highly recommend if you’re into DIY or professional installs

  2. Italiano


    This Garbo work very good, it helps me to Handle big tiles 24x 48 very easy.

    Review source: Amazon

  3. Italiano

    Lisa Carlisle

    This gadgets does what the cheap $10 suction cups from the local hardware store cannot do. It lifts pavers that are not perfectly smooth. I am not sure if it lifts the kind of pavers that look like giant vitamin tablets (with lots of little holes/cracks). It does lift my 18 inch pavers from Home Depot that weight about 40 pounds each. The paver tiles are not perfectly smooth like marble. They have a texture, but they are not the large pores like on the cheaper pavers that are commonly sold in the hardware stores. Thank goodness I did not have to buy a suction gadget that requires an air compressor. This helps a lot because when I was dropping the paver tiles by hand they would disturb the flattened sand bed. Even if I dropped the paver just about 1 inch from the ground, the sand would be disturbed, and I would have pavers that were a little uneven. I would have to pull them up and fix the sand. With this gadget, I will not have to do that. I can lay the paver tiles with very good control and not disturb the level sand. I LOVE this thing.

    Review source: Amazon

  4. Italiano

    Sun James

    This charger has been a lifesaver on my international trips. It's so compact and easy to use. I love it!

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