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  1. dominique y wood

    Works great on smooth granite or concrete

    Review source: Amazon

  2. Sandra Masquith

    The Grabo is a work-enabler. It lets you lift heavy things and will help hold large or heavy or awkward objects

    Review source: Amazon

  3. G. Myrick

    I have been using it to lift plywood panels, which at age 72 is not easy for me. The GRABO is a tremendous help. I was working with a sheet of 3/8 Doug/fir AC plywood, and it grabbed onto the A side, pulled the vacuum and would then shut off, restarting in about 45 seconds, when it had lost a certain amount of vacuum. After cutting the plywood down to 43x76, I grabbed the C side to carry it out and place it on rafters. The GRABO grabbed on fine but ran continuously. It never slipped. I also intend this for use with a small vacuum bag, and a Festool type board holder for sanding and routing.

    Review source: Amazon

  4. John P.

    I was hesitant to try the GRABO Brace Seal, but I'm so glad I did. It's made my work so much easier and more efficient. Highly recommend!

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