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GRABO 90 Degree Stone Seam Setter

(7 клиентски отзива)

GRABO 90 Degree Stone Seam Setters are professional seam setters which work on porous and non-porous surfaces for joining seams. Designed to make two workpieces to be a 90 degree angle for various material such as Granite, Stone, Marble or other similar stone material and it is widely used for kitchen island and bar counters.

  • Achieve straight seams for professional countertop installers
  • Fine-tuned adjustable knobs for precise levelling
  • Fine-tuned adjustable knobs for seam joining or opening
  • Made with long-lasting stainless steel components and tightening handles for heavy-duty stone tops
  • Attaches to all GRABO models

The product includes the 90 degree rails, two base plates, and the bag of hardware. Inside the bag of hardware, it should include:

  • Two large (8mm Allen) bolts to connect the rail to the base plates
  • 6 smaller (3/16th) bolts that connect the base plates to the GRABOs
  • And 6 washers and lock washers.


Код: SST-1-1 Категория:
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За да съчетаете две повърхности заедно е важно да направите съединението постоянно. GRABO 90 Degree Stone Seam Setter може да ви помогне да извършите работата правилно, бързо и лесно. Този уред за свързване на две повърхности може да изравни повърхностите и да направи гладки стави. Идеален за мрамор и гранит, стъкло, пластмаса или всяка ситуация, в която порести и непорести повърхности трябва да бъдат свързани заедно. Изработен с алуминиеви и неръждаеми стоманени компоненти. С GRABO 90 Degree Stone Seam Setter можете да създавате перфектно съчетани, перпендикулярни съединения от високо качество.

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7 отзива за GRABO 90 Degree Stone Seam Setter

  1. Български

    Michael Tony

    This seam setter made installing my granite countertops so much easier! The quality is excellent and it is built to last. I couldn’t be happier with my purchase.

  2. Български

    Thomas Jane

    The GRABO 90 Degree Stone Seam Setter is a must-have for any stone countertop installation. It made my work look professional and I’m extremely satisfied with the results.

  3. Български

    Tom Yando

    This seam setter has made my granite installation process so much smoother. It’s easy to use and I’m extremely happy with the precision of the tool.

  4. Български

    Yaki Sarah

    I’m impressed with the precision of the GRABO 90 Degree Stone Seam Setter. My countertops look flawless thanks to this tool. I would highly recommend it to anyone working with stone countertops.

  5. Български

    Brandon David

    The GRABO 90 Degree Stone Seam Setter is an essential tool for any stone countertop project. It’s so easy to use and the results are always perfect. I’m glad I purchased this product.

  6. Български

    John Lucas

    I highly recommend this seam setter for anyone working with stone countertops. It’s durable, produces great results, and has made my job so much easier.

  7. Български

    Lisa Hon

    The GRABO 90 Degree Stone Seam Setter is a game changer! I was able to achieve perfect 90 degree angles every time on my kitchen counters. I highly recommend this tool to anyone in the business.

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GRABO е определено от качеството.
За разлика от много други марки за електроинструменти, ние избираме да не използваме OEM производство от трети страни. Разполагаме със своя собствена фабрика GRABO, която е пълна собственост и управлявана от нас. Това ни позволява да предоставяме на нашите клиенти най-добрата стойност за техните пари и да поддържаме най-високите стандарти на качество. 


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  1. Български

    Richard Q.

    One person found this helpful

    Review source: Amazon

  2. Български

    Troy Reiter

    This little machine is very powerful. Great for carrying large sheet goods or tiles.

    Review source: Amazon

  3. Български


    Works great on smooth granite or concrete

    Review source: Amazon

  4. Български

    Tom Yando

    This seam setter has made my granite installation process so much smoother. It’s easy to use and I’m extremely happy with the precision of the tool.

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