OTTOVAC – это портативное электрическое устройство для подъема и перемещения стекла и любых других материалов, которые имеют гладкую, плоскую и непористую поверхность. OTTOVAC работает от 4-х батареек AA и имеет встроенный датчик давления с функцией автоматического запуска и остановки. Когда вакуум в основании присоски достигает -55 кПа, насос автоматически остановится после трехсекундной задержки. Когда уровень вакуума падает ниже -55 кПа, насос автоматически запустится, достигая необходимого давления во время работы.
Shaddiii –
It is not possible to overstate how much I love this item. I love everything about it. Given how long the batteries last, the choice of using AA batteries instead of a proprietary battery pack was hands down the right call. The fact that the device actively monitors the pressure while on will save money. If it didn’t and the device started to lose pressure for any reason, then you would drop your work piece and that could be both expensive and dangerous. According to the manual, this device under absolute perfect conditions has been tested at 440lbs but is only rated for 220lbs.
The thing that really makes me smile though is how compact the device is. I remember watching MythBusters as a kid. In one episode Adam Savage built a suction cup climbing rig to scale a building. It was big, heavy, complicated, and probably cost more than buying four of these. He would have killed for this product back then.
It might seem like allot of money to spend on a suction cup and if you’re not using one all the time it probably is. But if you use big suction cups like this allot then you will be happy to pay for how much pain it will save your fingers.
Review source: Amazon
minh007 –
Undeniably the best suction cup system out there in the market. I’m a contractor and we lift heavy things all the time and with this being able to suction to a wide variety of surfaces makes it the best tool on the field.
Review source: Amazon
Jorge Loredo –
Once you use one you’ll never go back
Review source: Amazon
Kisepooh –
Review source: Amazon