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With the GRABO ERGUO T handle, you can finally use the full potential of the GRABO's vacuum power. Compatitble with the NEMO GRABO, THE GRABO PRO and the GRABO HIGH FLOW (wired remote included for GRABO HIGH FLOW).With this two-man extension handle, you and your team member together can lift and move big and heavy tile, stones, pavers and more! The ERGUO T attaches to the GRABO tool via the GRABO's metal anchor points and is controlled by two foot pedals - BLACK for motor ON/OFF and RED for pressure release. The GRABO tool can safely hold up to 375 lbs / 170 kgs so now you can a team member can share that load by lifting your heavy material together with our new ERGUO T!


Код: ERG-T-V1 Категория:
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The ultimate solution that eliminates bending down to reach materials on the ground with the GRABO. The ERGUO - T, unlike the ERGUO S1, offers versatility between a one-man or a two-man setup so users can now truly harness the full power of the GRABO. Compatible with all GRABO tools (except GRABO H & OTTOVAC)  The NEMO GRABO and the GRABO PRO tools can safely hold up to 375 lbs / 120 kgs, and the GRABO HIGH FLOW can safelty hold up to 242 lbs / 82 kgs, however it’s often difficult to lift that amount of weight on one's own, now with this two man extension handle, you and your team member can share that load with the ERGUO T attachment.


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За разлика от много други марки за електроинструменти, ние избираме да не използваме OEM производство от трети страни. Разполагаме със своя собствена фабрика GRABO, която е пълна собственост и управлявана от нас. Това ни позволява да предоставяме на нашите клиенти най-добрата стойност за техните пари и да поддържаме най-високите стандарти на качество. 

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  1. Steve Reynolds

    I used this to join some granite slabs, and it worked like a charm. The seams were tight and smooth and the adjustable clamps make aligning everything a so easy.

  2. Yo

    Let me start by saying, if you can see this being useful, stop right here and just order it! I chose the older analog display model , well cuz I’m cheap… and this works just as well only cheaper!! Hands down best investment ever. So useful , picks up heavy natural slate material no problem , even the ones with natural uneven surfaces, unless it’s way uneven, but for the most part I’m completely blown away with how absolutely useful this thing is !!!

    Review source: Amazon

  3. Linda Pin

    This product has exceeded my expectations. No more back pain from carrying heavy sheets!

  4. Jessica J.

    This product is a must-have for anyone working with thin or fragile materials. The vacuum it creates is strong and holds everything securely in place. Great product!

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